When you told lie after lie after lie
When you bartered facts freely and cheaply
or disposed of them when they got in your way
you taught me to seek out the truth
whatever it is, wherever it hides
and value it deeply.
When you scorned the desperate ones
fleeing murder or hunger or both
who travelled, often with babies and kids
far from what used to be home
to knock in vain at locked gates
patrolled by ICEfaced gunhipped guards
you taught me to pray for a heart as wide as the ocean
you taught me to love and to welcome
all of my brothers and sisters here in the world.
When you tapped out your tweets
replete with insult and heat
you taught me to let go of anger
and give it to God.
You taught me to celebrate laughter
and share it with God.
You showed me that whatever we feel
spreads out through the world
to demolish or nourish
and that feelings
however intense they may be
are not who I am, are not me.
Grateful am I to begin to be free.
These are lessons you taught me.
I consider them worthy and true.
I trust there’ll be others.
Thank you, my brother.
Peace be with you.
